She Can Code – 2019

Queen Margaret College is again excited to be part of She Can Code, a Techweek celebration of girls and women coding in Aotearoa. The aim of She Can Code is to get as many girls and woman coding as possible and to share stories of our amazing coders using the hashtags #SheCanCode and #QMCCanCode.


The official She Can Code event runs from May 20-26, and we aim to have as many QMC girls as possible coding during this week, so as to be eligible to win prizes . However, you can start coding anytime by choosing between Scratch, HTML/CSS, or Python  (hardest) based coding projects. Find a project and level that suits you are you are away! (Be sure to create an account within the online platform to save your work).

The official She Can Code meet time is every Monday – Friday from 1pm in W3, and Mr Knuckey will be there to help get you started. All you need to bring is your laptop and a willingness to have fun while learning! Once you are up and away, you are of course welcome to code at home.

Important note:  Even if you’ve never coded before, you can take part!

I look forward to seeing you there.

Mr Knuckey

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